Writing Space For Writers - Here's Mine
Do you have a writing space or a writing studio? Why is it important to understand a writing space for writers like yourself?
The simple answer is if the space isn’t right you won’t be able to write your book.
Some time ago I decided to reinvent my writer's space. I wanted space outside my home and I wanted a large space. I rented a 1000 sq. ft. room.
The writing room was amazing. All that was in my office was a desk and a sofa. I loved it. Anyone visiting the room would comment on how lucky I was, how amazing it was, and so on. Not that long after I rented it, decorated it, and put my stuff in there I moved out of that huge room.
I couldn’t write in it, I just couldn’t get my flow. So I packed up everything and took it all back home and then gave back the keys.
So when creating your writing space this one thing must happen… you can feel it. I couldn't feel anything in that big space apart from I felt like I was opening an office and working regular office hours. I can’t do that writing is a more creative process than fixated hours or spaces. Once you can feel it you will be able to write.
My writing space now is almost perfect. My desk is big probably the size of a standard door. I have two iMac side-by-side. Both 27 inch and both fully loaded.
I am surrounded by my ‘things’ and my little bits of stuff that make me feel like I am the writer.
Lots of notepads
Lots of pens
Lots of paper all over the place.
I have all of my book covers printed on my walls to remind me that I am an author and writer.
I also have a large chair or summer bed in my room for contemplating or reading. I also have a large window always to my right so I can see outside into nature. I have written a lot in this room. It just works. So… Find out what puts you in the flow.
Create a writing space that is dedicated to writing. Upscale your tools if you need them upscaled.
I hope this helps you.
Author, writer, Alan Forrest Smith
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