Should You Write An Expert Book Series? [VIDEO & PODCAST]
Should You Write An Expert Series Book
This might sound really obvious but the first thing I would ask is this…”Am I really an expert?”
The reason I say that is so many new writers are writing ‘expert’ books based on what they have read rather than what they have actually done.
So let me take you through one of the expert books that I am writing as I type to you.
This is a new book that is almost complete. The book is my experience as a copywriter. I have been writing copy since 1985 for my own businesses and my client’s businesses.
My career as a copywriter was truly accidental. And there is a high demand for books on helping new copywriters so I finally decided it was time to create this book.
This isn’t my first export book so I will be able to show you some simple steps I take before I get started.
The first thing I do when I am writing a book is create a list of headings.
Each heading will frame the chapter.
I try to make sure each heading is also in order of date and time as it took place.
I relate stories in each chapter rather than how to do it.
Each story also has a start, middle and an end - like fiction.
I then relate all of my experiences to the experience the reader will be going through.
In other words, I am you, you are me and I understand how it feels.
Finally a heroic finish based on what really took place.
If I can do this well so can you.
But …
Apart from writing the power of creating books like this can be immense.
I get and have
Speaking invites
Mentor projects
Book sales (obviously)
Radio and TV interviews
Screenplay projects
And of course a real business all from writing an expert book.
Let me ask you again, “Should you write an expert book series?”
Please leave a comment or email us if you have any questions.
Alan Forrest Smith