12 Ridiculously Simple Tips To Write a Book

These will help you as a new author.

As a writer that writes at least 3,000 words almost every day, I cannot afford to waste time. Over the years I have found the best ways to write, the best ways to get the job done and the best ways to just get the job done.

Let’s be clear here … sitting and writing isn’t all the fun it is made out to be. Writing is an expression of what is in a writer’s mind. The story in your head is the cool bit. Getting it out is the tougher and sometimes laborious part of being an author. If you want to become an author you must do this.

Here are a few tips I have found as a writer to sit down and get the job done.

Here Are 12 Ridiculously Simple Tips To Write a Book

  1. Make an appointment with yourself. It really does work. Take that appointment as seriously as you would any appointment like a visit to the doctor or to the bank or wherever. Once you have made that appointment do not under any circumstances break it.

  2. Lock yourself into a private space and put out a sign warning everyone DO NOT ENTER. The only way to write is to remove mental and physical distractions. Keep everyone out of your room.

  3. Keep your mind clean before you write. What I mean is if you are like most (and me also) and like to scroll through your phone to what we all call “check” stuff … DO NOT DO IT before you write. Wake up knowing you have that appointment with yourself and avoid at all costs polluting your mind with the thoughts of others. This will save energy for when you begin to write.

  4. Prepare yourself the day before for this moment. I like to know what I am doing the next day at my writing appointment. The best way to do this is to write down what you will be doing once you get into your writing space.

  5. Put your computer OFFLINE when writing. Do not allow notifications to pop up anywhere. If it is set in offline mode that won’t happen. PC here - MAC here

  6. Download software like SELF CONTROL. This allows you to block websites that have created a habit in you. The ones you like to check once on your computer. Be it Facebook or whatever SELF CONTROL will allow you to put a time block on these websites to avoid distraction.

  7. Just start writing. Don’t overthink the writing process. Keep it organic and as free from restrictions as your possibly can. This will help you write freely. It will also give you the momentum most writers need to sit and write.

  8. Do not edit anything until you have written it. I am a huge believer in using our human energy. Writing depletes it but so does editing the words. I find it is best to use the depleted me to edit rather than the energetic me. The energy for me is best for writing.

  9. Believe in yourself. never go into your writing space thinking you cannot do this. Do not forget most people that want to write a book never even make a start. My 85year old father has been talking about writing a book as far back as I can recall. He hasn’t written anything. You are a writer keep telling yourself that.

  10. Never forget as a new author your writing will only get better the more you write.

  11. Promise yourself this … I will write this book and nothing is going to stop me from writing this book.

Now, these tips are mine. They are the tips I use as an author to get my writing done. I hope they help you while writing your book.

Let me know how you get on in the comments below.

Alan, Write a Book Project.


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